Wow, talk about a party!  With decor by Rod Meeks and Amy Thornburg, lighting and draping by Blue Ridge Light Forms, and DJ Barry Tosh spinning tunes, West Manor was ready for the brides!  And they came, bringing fiancés, family and friends to taste and toast.  Food was provide by West Manor’s chef and from the bites I snatched before the end of the night, you’ll want to make sure you lock in their catering!  Wedding Cakes were provided by Billie’s Cakes and Coffee Cakes.  Fashions for the show were provided by the YWCA Bridal Shop and Cello Strings provided the lovely music.   Freezeframe out of Richmond entertained the crowd with instant photo booth images strips.  And of course we cant forget all the wonderful folks from West Manor!  Click on each thumbnail to view a larger image…

Please feel free to contact the studio if you would like copies of any images!